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Good news for those who hate washing dishes! Using your dishwasher uses only 4-6 gallons of water to wash a full load of dishes, while hand washing uses around 20 gallons. So next time you're feeling lazy about waiting to do dishes till you can load them in the washer, just remind yourself and tell your roommates that you're saving the planet!

The average toilet uses 3.5 gallons of fresh water every flush, which can add up to over 20 gallons a day per toilet in the average home! One way to cut down on the water per flush is to use a technique known as retrofitting, or placing something heavy and of volume in the tank, such as a rock or brick, which will displace some of the water used per flush, which can save hundreds, even thousands of gallons of fresh water over time.

The average laundry load uses between 20 to 40 gallons of water and accounts for one of our largest water consuming activities. An easy way to save water and energy is waiting to do laundry until we can do a full load, using the cool or cold water setting, and also adjusting to the proper load size.

For more water conservation tips and facts visit...

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