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A simple rule to live by is when visiting a park or enjoying nature always make an effort to "leave it better than you came." There are a number of easy ways to accomplish this...

Please, please please stay on the beaten path! Especially when exploring and hiking through protected ecosystems, remain on the designated trail or pathway. Many ecosystems are very fragile and trudging through them can cause major damage to both the plants and animals living in the area. Be sure to pack a park or trail map when going hiking and exploring, as this will reduce the likeliness of needing to go off trail.

Pack light! Only bring what's necessary, and if possible, avoid carrying items which will end up in the trash, such as lots of packaged goods. Always plan to bring out that you carry in, so packing a backpack or bag for trash is a good idea. And, although you may be very tempted to take souvenirs, resist the urge! The removal of objects from fragile ecosystems can be harmful, the same as adding foreign objects. In short, do your best to leave it as if you were never there...

Last but not least, an easy way to be a sustainability hero is to not only minimize your own footprint, but also the footprint of others before you! One easy way to do this is by collecting litter along the way when hiking and exploring and carrying it out. Another great way is to report any hazardous spills or violations noticed while out enjoying nature to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. They can be reached at their website through the following links...

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